Studies & Ministries

If you have questions about God, or want to learn more about growing in faith, join one of our studies or ministries? Send us a message using the form and we will respond.

  • Our Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study group meets on Sunday morning at 9:00am in the church library.

    This study time is generally guided by our pastor, with contributions from various church members from week to week.

    Our Midweek Ministries include a Bible Study at the Church at 7pm-8:30pm each Wednesday evening. This group engages in prepared studies that stimulate discussion and discovery.

    Every second Thursday evening we offer a Bible Study at the home of Doc and Linda McIntosh in Warman. Please call the Church office to find out more. 306 382 2551.

    Saturdays at 7pm we meet in a home of one of our congregation to study Scripture and to Fellowship. Information about the venue is published on our fb page each week.

    In each group you will find new friends who enjoy each others' company, and who explore the Word with a will to learn and become more deeply engaged with Scripture and with each other.

    Do you have questions about God? This is a place and time to come and seek answers in a non-threatening setting.

  • Sunday School

    Each Sunday we have a short “Children’s Time” in the middle of our Praise and Worship Time which is led by our dedicated Children's Ministry Time Leader Blair . The children are introduced to a theme, and this helps to shape the teaching time in Sunday School which occurs during the Message. This allows Mom and Dad to relax and fully engage with the Word of God as it is preached and proclaimed by our pastor or a guest speaker.

    The Bubble Gum Club

    The Bubble Gum Club is a program for children age 5 to 11yrs (K-6). Kindergarten aged children must be enrolled in a formal School Kindergarten program. This is to ensure the program is not disrupted by children unaccustomed to sitting and learning.

    The Bubble Gum Club is a fun club. It is designed to deliver sound Christian doctrine through activities and learning. It will run from 6:00pm - 8:00 pm each Thursday evening. Parents are encouraged to bring their children, and pick them up in a timely manner.

    At year's end (June 30th 2024 or there about, there will be a huge celebration and Prize Giving for all participants. This is not an opportunity to be missed!

    Vacation Bible School VBS

    Towards the end of the School Summer Vacation, we deliver a Fun-Packed program for one week of weekday evening ministry time. Keep your eyes pealed for news, and a mail-out invitation.

  • Our men regularly meet once a month for a prayer breakfast or coffee at a local shop. The times vary, but if you are interested, feel free to ask for more information. Our Men's Ministry meets in the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9:30am. All are welcome!

    For more information please send a message using the form below, and we will get back to you with more information about what is happening with our men's group this month.

  • Our ladies meet on the last Saturday of every month for a potluck-style brunch, from 11am-1pm.

    There is discussion, prayer, food, a short devotional, and time to gather from and get to know other ladies. Children are also welcome to come with you, and there is childcare provided in the nursery during the event (there are toys, a kids' Christian cartoon, and someone watching over the area).

    Our next ladies' brunch will be in September

  • Our Youth Group has kicked-off. We meet on Friday evenings at 8-10pm regularly. Some activities demand a different day and time. This will be published to our fb page.

  • Our Church currently has three small groups running, which meet weekly or bi-weekly. We are looking for opportunities to develop more Home Based Bible Studies.

    The Small Group Ministry is intended to allow people to connect socially, and to learn about God -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- Biblically.

    If you are interested in being part of a small group (or are currently attending Bay Park Baptist Church and would like to start one), use the form below to contact us and we will get back to you!