What to expect

For the "Early Risers," Sunday morning begins at 8:45am with coffee (maybe even a cookie or donut). This precedes the Adult Bible Fellowship time of reading, discussion, and discovering truths from Scripture starting at 9:00 am. This allows opportunity for lively conversation about the Word of God.​ Throughout the Fall/Winter of 2023 and the Winter/Spring of 2024, we are examining and learning the tenets of our Statement of Faith. This allows those who attend to better understand the Theological Foundations of the Christian Faith, and our Baptist Traditions

Our Sunday Praise and Worship time begins at 10:30 a.m. It includes singing, praying, celebrating our church family, and learning through hearing accurate preaching from the Word of God. We also celebrate our kids with a brief teaching time. Fall, Winter, and Spring include Children’s Ministry Time in the Sunday School area of the Church leaving our adults are able to concentrate on the message. During the months of July and August, we provide activity bags for the children as they remain in the sanctuary during the message.

Following the morning gathering, we have a prayer team available should anyone have prayer needs. It is our privilege to pray for one another. Also we enjoy fellowship with a Cup of Joe, or a glass of juice.