Easter Ministries

Good Morning Friends,

Yesterday I was asked to clarify the "reason" for the planned upcoming Maundy Thursday Celebration. I thought this medium (fb) is probably the best way to share.

It was on the Thursday evening of Easter week wherein Jesus sat with His closest friends for a final meal before His arrest and subsequent Crucifixion. He taught a lot at that table.

On Thursday March 28 at 6:30pm, we are planning an evening of understanding the atmosphere in the Upper Room where this occurred. It will be a time of singing, learning more about the Apostles, and seeing how their lives intertwined with that of Jesus.

Come and experience something new, wherein we can be immersed, experiencing the Upper Room. It can be truly lifechanging. I am hoping that a good number of our Church will come and learn some new things about Jesus and His closest followers. We will also celebrate Communion during this time together.

So, Easter Week is looking full. There is something for everyone:

Thursday March 28th 6:30pm — The Upper Room Experience — a Candlelit Immersive Review of the Last Supper.

Friday March 29th 10:30am — Combined Good Friday Service with Westside Fellowship of Churches at Sutherland Evangelical Church, 110 104 Street, Saskatoon.

Easter Sunday Sunrise Service March 31st 6:30am — followed by Breakfast at Bay Park Baptist Church

Easter Sunday Praise and Worship March 31st 10:00am — Celebrating the Resurrection

We are hoping to see you at one or more of these events,
